Artist Profile: Emily Weaver
Emily Weaver is an Aberdeen based artist who has been part of the Outer Spaces network since 2021.
Find out more about her work:
Thanks to Emily for talking to us and sharing so much insight into her work and process of making.
Plume will be on display at Generator Projects, Dundee from 22nd - 26th October 2024.
'Plume' is a multimedia exploration of ritualised idolatry and the perils of human folly and expectation told through the lens of imagined folklore. This involves examination of narrative as a mode of cultural communication and the shifting landscape inherent to the oral tradition of storytelling. Human nature and the eternal desire, and folly, of conquest is expressed through transformative bestial imagery depicting the deteriorating impact of human compulsion. The Peacock exists as a natural force within the work; independent of human expectations or constraints. It acts as a lodestone, an unwitting subject of divinity operating as a mirror of human ambition.
© 2024 Outer Spaces
Registered Scottish Charity No: SC051153
Registered Address: Artists’ Spaces SCIO, 15 Calton Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8DL